Some regions in New Zealand have been experiencing a high number of COVID-19 cases, which has catalysed the implementation of strict physical distancing measures and steep fines for workplaces and individuals who break them. It’s important to understand the legal framework in your state or territory and closely follow government regulations to minimise harm to your business.

While the full scope of laws surrounding the reopening of businesses is still being determined, the following is a list of key considerations we anticipate seeing:

  • Laws put in place regarding COVID-19 vary by state or territory and sometimes even city. If your organisation operates in several locations, you may need to build a distinct plan for each of your locations.
  • Plan for a multi-phase rollout. Governments will likely loosen many restrictions before lifting them entirely. For instance, businesses may be allowed to reopen with a reduced workforce and slowly reintroduce more employees, or be required to introduce staggered shifts to separate employees.
  • Reopening across industries will happen gradually, rather than all at once. Businesses in some industries will be able to return to work before others. Depending on the industry you operate in, you may need to wait longer to reopen or take additional precautions that will be enforced by your local or state government.
  • New mandatory safety rules will be put in place by governments when businesses are allowed to reopen. It’s critical to follow these measures closely. Companies that do not respect the rules will face fines and public condemnation that may hurt business prospects long-term.

part two: consulting with internal experts.

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important note.

Randstad prepared these resources to share best practices to get back to work safely. The information in this document is intended as a guideline only. Please do additional research and consult with experts before making decisions for your business.